This prompt was yet another challenge for me. I decided to be light hearted in the end. I didn't do the prompt exactly but I did get a poem out of it. I hope you do this prompt! I would love to see what you come up with serious or funny or what. Please share your poem in the comments or post a link to your blog entry. Happy poeming!
Wild Warren in the Woods by the Road
(or What the Rabbits Saw)
Spring is our time
Gathering our brood beside us
We were witness to near atrocity
The clouds
floating softly in light breeze
through bright blue sky
did not give hint to the events to come.
Giant metal monsters
hold our harshest fears
rolled up in their tires
snarling across their grills.
Then it happened
The raging screech of near intervention
struck our cousin down,
stunned him into near unconsciousness!
Sunlit green leaves
chattered among themselves,
overseeing the scene of the crime.
The arrogant ones ride.
They step to the street,
lumber over to our dear cousin
as he lay.
Our fallen cousin is risen!
He rose up to strike
and that was our call.
Generations of us
march hopped to his side,
buck teeth baring our animosity.
We are one!
Solidarity of Rodentia!
Brothers and cousins attack!
Let the arrogant upright know our wrath!
And this
is how we small
showed our power
our strength in numbers.
Don't mess with the Rodents.
From Rachel's blog:
1. a bad day
2. an act that requires deep concentration
3. a small space
First off, don't choose a day that has the potential to ruin this day. Cool? Cool. Now that we have that all cleared up:
write a poem or story in third person. You don't get to be "I" in your worst day story. You have to be He or She or the man or the woman or the girl or the boy or the invisible dog.
Describe the atmosphere of the worst day (#1). What fruits weren't in season? What song was caught in your hair? What animal was in the road? What word was painted on the butcher's wrists? What stepped off of the train? Which one of your teeth snuck away? If you don't remember, that's even better. MAKE IT UP. If you do remember! Lie! Perfect.
Narrate yourself through this day. What was your heart doing to avoid all of this (#2). Narrate the importance of its ignorance. Finally, pick something or someone (real or not real) that was waiting for you when you got home. Where, exactly, was it? (#3) Oh, and don't tell what the thing was doing there. This should be left between the thing and the reader.
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(This exercise was inspired by A Series of Unfortunate Events.)
Personal note on the process...
1. a bad day
- ??? (see notes below)
2. an act that requires deep concentration
- intricate needlepoint
3. a small space
- kitchen drawer
Ingredient number one was a bit of a stretch for me. I've had bed days, but I tend to just move on from most things. Denial? Possibly, but the truth is that I find it hard to take my mind back to a "worst day"... but I tried for this prompt. I tried to remember the times that I wanted to just fall into a hole not to be seen or cried until I nearly puked.
I didn't want to pick my ACTUAL worst day. I have enough poems about THAT. The times I've cried until I nearly puked were usually because of a boy when I was younger (teens and twenties) and that just annoys me now so not sure if I wanted to write about that mess. So I read some of the things posted to the link in the prompt. Most of them were humorous like that is a rule of FML or something. I thought about writing a poem as an observer of one of the posts to FML... hmmmm. The starting of the poem is sometimes the hardest part.
I saw a link on FML for the best of the worst and there was this morbidly odd yet mildly humorous thing:
Prince drives 4 U
Today, while carpooling with a Coworker to our office, he began to rant on about how my underwear are always purple. I block him out until I hit a lady crossing the street, who just so happened to be wearing purple underwear. FML
and there was this one:
Today, as I was driving this morning I ran over a squirrel and as I stop to see if it was going to be ok, it got back up and started to attack me, now I have rabbits. FML
Then there was the link to where the person who posts does follow up comments. A few gems there like this horrible one:
Today, after getting a pay raise at work after 15 years and pulling a loan for a new house, I went back to work from a two-week paid vacation to find out that I had been fired two weeks ago for "no call, no show". My manager claims he doesn't recall ever signing a paper for my paid vacation. FML
I kept a copy but my boss claims it is not his signature that someone forged it. To make it worse, he claims he has never seen my face at work. This is beyond FML
-- OUCH! :-/
I decided to be more light hearted with it and chose the one who had "rabbits" for the poem of his worst day as told from the rabbits' perspective.
Voila! Another poem is born! :-)
I did forget to add ingredients two and three though! OOPS!
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