Saturday, February 28, 2015

Real Writers Write

Saturday, February 21, 2015

The Poet Strips Naked

FYI, I will be sailing around the world starting in 2016 so please check out my other website:

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Saturday, February 14, 2015

Imagination All Compact

FYI, I will be sailing around the world starting in 2016 so please check out my other website:

Saturday, February 7, 2015

Life Is A Poem

FYI, I will be sailing around the world starting in 2016 so please check out my other website:

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

New Trick Tuesday - Carmen Verse

It's New Trick Tuesday again!  I hope you will join me in attempting to do a Carmen Verse this week!  Post your attempt in the comments or post the link to your blog entry.  Yippee!


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia:

Carmen (verse)

In Ancient Rome, the term "carmen" was generally used to signify a verse; but in its proper sense, it referred to a spell or prayer, form of expiation, execration, etc. Surviving examples include the Carmen Arvale and the Carmen Saliare.

Spells and incantations were used for a variety of purposes. If a spell was intended to harm someone, the State could interfere to protect him. For instance, it was not unusual for a farmer whose crops had failed to accuse another farmer of having, by a carmen, lured the crops away. Tibullus, in a poem in which he complains that an old woman has bewitched Marathus, takes the opportunity to recount various feats of witches, such as transferring crops from one field to another. Similarly, Pliny the Elder records in Naturalis Historia (XVIII. 41-42) that a certain freedman, Furius, by using better implements and better methods than his neighbor, obtained richer crops from a smaller strip of land. A neighbor compelled Furius to go before the tribes and accused him of having bewitched his field. But when the tribes saw his sturdy slaves and his implements of witchcraft—hoes, rakes, and ploughs—they acquitted him.

(see the wikipedia entry for more notes on repetition and entymology that I used in constructing this verse)


My Attempt:

INCANTATIONs (a series of Carmen verse)

not in order of importance but in order of imperative
the things of life that ease the living
these are the spells of invocation

I say these things because I believe in their power
because I believe in their power they manifest
this manifests and becomes by my speaking it out loud


#1 - For Money

I say these things because I believe in their power
because I believe in their power they manifest
this manifests and becomes by my speaking it out loud

the universe is infinite and I belong to the universe
the universe is infinite and it gives me all I need
the universe is infinite and I belong to the universe
the universe is infinite and as part of it all is available
the universe is infinite and I belong to the universe
the universe is infinite and finanical security and wealth are mine

I say these things because I believe in their power
because I believe in their power they manifest
this manifests and becomes by my speaking it out loud

Iman Hotep Namaste Peace and Amen


#2 - For Health

I say these things because I believe in their power
because I believe in their power they manifest
this manifests and becomes by my speaking it out loud

the universe is infinite and I belong to the universe
the universe is infinite and it gives me all I need
the universe is infinite and I belong to the universe
the universe is infinite and as part of it blance is part of me
the universe is infinite and I belong to the universe
the universe is infinite and optimal physical health is mine

I say these things because I believe in their power
because I believe in their power they manifest
this manifests and becomes by my speaking it out loud

Iman Hotep Namaste Peace and Amen


#3 - For Harmony With Other People

I say these things because I believe in their power
because I believe in their power they manifest
this manifests and becomes by my speaking it out loud

the universe is infinite and I belong to the universe
the universe is infinite and it gives me all I need
the universe is infinite and I belong to the universe
the universe is infinite and as part of it I am connected to all
the universe is infinite and I belong to the universe
the universe is infinite and smooth and peaceful dealings are my norm

I say these things because I believe in their power
because I believe in their power they manifest
this manifests and becomes by my speaking it out loud

Iman Hotep Namaste Peace and Amen


#4 - For Romantic Love

I say these things because I believe in their power
because I believe in their power they manifest
this manifests and becomes by my speaking it out loud

the universe is infinite and I belong to the universe
the universe is infinite and it gives me all I need
the universe is infinite and I belong to the universe
the universe is infinite and as part of it my heart is open
the universe is infinite and I belong to the universe
the universe is infinite and true and pure affection comes to me

I say these things because I believe in their power
because I believe in their power they manifest
this manifests and becomes by my speaking it out loud

Iman Hotep Namaste Peace and Amen


not in order of importance but in order of imperative
the things of life that ease the living
these are the spells of invocation
they have been spoken, they are power, they will come to be

Iman Hotep Namaste Peace and Amen


This one came pretty easily since other than the repetition factor, it didn't really have any other restrictions to hold me back. :-)

FYI, I will be sailing around the world starting in 2016 so please check out my other website: