I wanted to upload a video to youtube but I am having technical difficulties with my webcam AND my digital camera. So... I will post this poem here instead:
we are cycling our eyes
from the bottom to the tops of our heads
because we have heard this before
my daddy has heard this before
in the 40s 50s and 60s
I have heard this before
in the 70s 80s and 90s
it is now the 21st century
why are we still
playing the same tired old tune
over and over again
there are those
whose version of religion
calls any outside their circle
animals who can talk
there are those
who even after all this time
still think of brown
as less than human
we have been caged so long
that many actually believe the lies
even though we try so hard
to educate our children
teach them compassion
even though it is rarely shown to them
when it comes to the trope
of the angry Black
I am of the opinion
any black person who is not angry
is not paying attention
we all need to pay attention
the only thing necessary
for the triumph of evil
is for good people to do nothing
I refuse to do nothing
so I raise my voice
get loud in spite of "my place"
to speak the truth
that needs to be heard
at the volume that is required
we are required as humans
to make a stand against injustice
to be the change we hope to see
so be the good person
and do good things
let's change the tune
speak a new truth
so that change will come
and no more Black children
will have to die
#Ferguson #BlackPoetsSpeakOut #BlackLivesMatter